Free stuff to get you started today

Free Recipe Book

All recipe books include

  • 40+ recipes
  • Sample Menu Plans
  • Sample Grocery Lists
  • Nutrition Information
  • Barcode that can be used with MyFitnessPal to track Daily Intakes
  • Choose from High Protein, Low Carb, Smoothies, or 5-Ingredient

A young woman using laptop for video call, zoom

Free Consult

  • 30 minute call
  • Review of your current health status
  • Goal setting
  • Simple, personalized plan for overcoming your biggest obstacle to your goals that takes less than 2 minutes per day.
  • Access to more personalized resources to get your moving towards your goals today!

Personal trainer uploading workout videos online

Training App Free 14 days

  • Personalized exercise programs w written instructions and video demonstrations
  • Nutrition coaching & tracking
  • Lifestyle Challenge w daily educations
  • Habit Training
  • Online chat feature with Leigh Ann
  • *All plans and interaction done solely by Leigh Ann- Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Nutritionist. No support staff

Take the First Small Step Now!

Leigh Ann McKinney

B.S. Dietetics

Personal Trainer & Nutrition Specialist

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